TopicPlyometric exercises

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Your one-stop guide to plyometric workouts.


Definition. Plyometrics, also known as jump training, involve explosive movements that train your muscles to contract and relax quickly. These powerful, quick movements help increase speed, power, and strength.
The word is
combination of the Greek words “plio” meaning “more”, and metric meaning “measure”.

Some of the benefits of plyometric exercises include:

  • Increased cardiovascular fitness. While cardio exercises (like running, rowing, and swimming) tend to be associated with improving cardiovascular health, plyometrics can also elevate your heart rate.
  • High calorie burn. Plyometrics are metabolically demanding due to their total-body nature. You’ll torch a significant number of calories in a short time, engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously.
  • Stronger bones and joints. The impact forces during plyometrics stimulate bone density and joint strength. Regular practice can also help strengthen tendons, ligaments, and muscles improving joint stability and resilience.
  • Increased strength. Plyometrics enhance muscle power output by training fast-twitch muscle fibers. This strength gain is valuable for everyday activities and sports performance.
  • Better coordination. Plyometrics challenge your neuromuscular system, improving coordination and movement control.
  • Time efficient. Incorporating a few plyometric exercises into your weekly routine can yield significant fitness gains with minimal time investment.
  • Versatile. You can perform plyometrics almost anywhere, making them accessible for home workouts or outdoor training.
  • Greater athletic performance. Agility, speed, and explosive power are essential for many sports. Plyometrics enhance these qualities, allowing you to change directions quickly, jump higher, and run faster. Equally, it can also boost upper body power, resulting in faster throwing, hitting, and striking motion, improving performance in sports like like basketball, tennis, and golf.

Plyometric Exercises

All the plyometric exercises.

Plyometric exercise are by nature high-impact and challenging. So it’s important to choose exercises suitable for your fitness level. Start with simple, slower, low-impact variations of exercises, if you’re a beginner. Avoid plyometric exercises or speak to your healthcare professional if you are pregnant, have bone or joint problems, or pre-existing health conditions that may affect your ability to do these exercises safely.


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