Dumbbell Front Raise

The front raise sculpts the front of the shoulders.

  • Main muscles worked: Front of shoulders (anterior deltoid), Chest (pectorals)
  • Other muscles: Shoulders (medial and posterior deltoid), Upper back (trapezius), Upper arm (biceps)
  • Exercise type: Isolation
  • Equipment: Dumbbells

The dumbbell front raise is an isolation exercise that works the shoulder muscles, especially the front of shoulder (anterior deltoids). Targeting this area increases shoulder strength and definition of the front shoulders. The dumbbell front raise can help improve shoulder mobility and stability.

In addition to the shoulders, the front raise also targets the upper chest, upper back, and biceps. You can pair this exercise with the dumbbell lateral raise for a more complete shoulder workout.

Do not use weights that are too heavy, as this leads to poor form such as swaying the upper body and using momentum, works the wrong muscles, and increases the risk of injury.

Variations: Front raises can be performed by alternating between the right and left arms. Lifting one dumbbell at a time has the benefit of reducing strain on the lower back. You can also make this exercise easier by performing it without weights.

To make front raises harder choose heavier dumbbells or slow down the exercise. You can also make it more challenging and sculpt your shoulders more completely with the front raise to lateral raise exercise.

Sets & Reps: Dumbbell front raises tend to be incorporated into an upper-body workout and performed for moderate to high repetitions – usually at least 8-12 reps per set.


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