Chives: How to Use, Cook & Store

Health Benefits

As a true member of the allium family which also includes garlic, onions, scallions and leeks, chives contain a nice dose of allicin, an antioxidant compound with cardio-protective properties.

In a recent study, researchers found that allicin reduce platelet aggregation, improve lipid profiles, and normalize blood glucose levels.1

How to Use, Cook & Store Chives

Taste: Mild onion flavor

Get the most out of this herb: Chop the chives just before using – this will reduce loss of allicin which is volatile.

Great in: Dips, quesadillas, omelettes, scrambled eggs and on baked potatoes . Use as garnish. Chop, then sprinkle over dips, fish, chicken and salads.

Prep like this: Slice thinely to maximize taste. Best added at the end of cooking,as heat destroys their delicate onion flavor.


  1. Chan, J. Y. Y., Yuen, A. C. Y., Chan, R. Y. K., & Chan, S. W. (2012). A review of the cardiovascular benefits and antioxidant properties of allicin. Phytotherapy Research.

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