Thyme: How to Use, Cook & Store

Thyme is a subtly aromatic herb with an earthy, mildly minty flavor.

This popular herb was used in 16th-century England by those suffering from bronchitis. Research has shown that a component of thyme known as thymol, is indeed effective in the treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis.

In one study, participants who were given a thyme supplement for 11 days reported a 16 percent reduction in coughing fits compared to the placebo group.1

How to Use, Cook & Store Thyme

Taste: earthy, mildly minty and lemony

Aroma: subtle, quite dry

Pairs well with: Versatile. Most meats including pork, lamb, duck, and goose.

Great for: All-purpose seasoning. Thyme can withstand long cooking times is great in slow-cooked dishes such as stews. Also good in sauces, marinades, and stuffings.

Prep like this: Doesn’t require chopping, as its leaves are tiny.

Store like this: Wrap the twigs individually in a dry towel and refrigerate.


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