6. Swap Coffee/ Black Tea for Green Tea

Swap green tea for your regular coffee or tea. There is a bevy of research on the benefits of green tea on weight loss, and more specifically on losing belly fat.
One such piece of research in which its effects were studied on overweight and obese participants following a moderate exercise routine was published in The Journal of Nutrition.
The participants who consumed green tea extract lost 7.7% of their belly fat, while those who didn’t consume green tea extract lost a measly 0.3% belly fat.
Sorry i am not trying to be a total jerk i am very intrigued by this website i love it, it is very helpful and useful!! But i was just noticing in this specific section there is a couple things that i was thrown off by and maybe i am being knit picky but when you are saying to swap foods for another i would expect the bad food to be first and the good food to be second, for instance the first item swapping oats for sugary cereals to me sounds like i should be swapping oatmeal for cocoa puffs which i do not think is your intention, the paragraph explanation under the header does coincide with your title but it is still a little offsetting, maybe i am the only one that is thinking this way but i feel it’s a little backwards, also i noticed a typo in the very first sentence of this “swapping your regular sugary cereal for rolled outs…. i think should be oats?? I do apologize i may come off as a little over analytical but i do enjoy this site greatly and i am citing this with good intentions.
Hi B, sorry we never got back to you. Just to say thanks for pointing things out! It was helpful, no need to apologize! Your pointers were much appreciated! 🙂
Sweet. I always eat old fashion oats for breakfast. not the artificial kind. I always prefer brown rice than white rice, add mix vegetables, tuna, lemon, little soy sauce, and chile. that stuff is yummy, lol.
how do you eat that stuff